Saturday, May 16, 2009

Grad Day!

Annoyed at the moment. Because I'm using my sister's laptob and the mouse clicks really oddly and the whole network is slow. Basically her whole laptop sucks but shhh don't say anything I'm just an accessory. The sad thing my sister you know Green so she won't buy a new one for a long time. So yes today was day. The day where we got our diplomas and said bye bye icky school. Cliche I know but so true. Today had gone better than I expected I thought it would be hectic with my grad party. But my grad party had gone shorter than expected it only went untill six so I quickly opened my presents the best one I got was the new coldplay cd I requested it, yea still have yet to listen to it.

So he 'Mick' came to my party. I talked to him alittle not much but a little he was a little reluctant because I had aproach him. I don't know where things are going to go I know god will handle it though he can handle anything. This morning I really had a scare Mick wasen't at the ceromony so I started to freak out the way I do. Earlier this week I highly considered telling him how I felt but Mr. Vandong made(forced) me not to. This morning when I saw he wasen't at the ceromony I thought I had to tell how I felt. Sometimes when someone isn't there you feel the need to tell embarresing stuff happens with me alot. But he came to my party then I couldn't tell him how I felt. He was being all awkward and I felt like I couldn't breathe... 

Friday, May 15, 2009

Graduation Eve!

The night before graduation its kind of exciting. After summer I have to figure out what I want to do. As much as I hated both Middle school and high-school it was my safe place to hide. I didn't have to make money on my own because I had my parents support and I had to go to school. Now that I no longer am on a controlled schedule I have to figure what I need to do next year to be independent. I'm both scared and reluctant. I'm reluctant because there's this guy will just call him Mick because I don't want to reveal his name just for secrecy. Well Mick kinda asked me out but I said no because of our age differences now Mick and I are avoiding each-other. So I am hoping will Mick will be at the ceremony to tomorrow also maybe at my party but if he's not there then I'll try to talk to him on Sunday.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


 One of favorite authors is Meg Cabot. One of my favorite books by her is called Jinx. For anyone who's read already knows its about which-craft,no I don't believe in it. Its a fictional book I know the difference between fiction and reality. I don't even read it for the black magic I read it for the romance. I'm a sucker for romance and Zack (the guy in the story) ,kind of have a book crush on him. I've already rented and reread the book TWICE. So I figured why not buy the freak-en thing. I got the book because lately with my luck with love has not been the nicest to me. Last summer I had this book give me this feeling where I believed I would fall in love someday. It's been my dream for a while. So I got it so that it would cheer me up about this whole love thing.

The other-night I prayed for god to show himself to me and he did. At first I was afraid because when my best friend did this she got into a car accident. But what he did was amazing so I know he is with me. Even though I'm going through a little bump with 'Ask me out' guy yeah he's only said one word to me since and it was bye. I was going to apologize to him on friday but then I decided if God wants us to be friends again he'll let it be, I shouldn't force the issue on him. Though I still think about him ALOT I know God has his own plans for me.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Life only gets better from here!

I couldn't think of a better title. I wanted something to do with all the excitement thats been happening in my life lately with graduating and all. So in the past week I have been asked out by a fifteen year old, figured out it was all a ploy to boost his ego ( at-least I think), and now I'm just trying to finish up senior year. See I have to build a model of the golden gate bridge for World history. Plus I have to do a report on Muscle Dystrophy oh fun! So about this guy yea right-now I hate him why would you do that? Ok maybe I don't know the story maybe he does like me I just don't know. Even then it doesn't matter because I'm matter so I guess I'm protecting my heart by doing this. Because its been broken before and I'm just trying to cushion the blow, that may be wrong but I'm doing it anyway.

I was going to let him win but after talking to a teacher about it in confidence he told me not to do that.By not going to the thing I'll be going to tonight I'll let him know that I'm suffering so I decided I'll go! I can always can evil and pretend to kill in my mind. Anyway sorry I couldn't write very much kind of in a harry there's so much to do..