Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

It's finally here! Firworks! Good food! Family!You name it I bet the forth has it... The burning question is what am I doing on the forth? Well rightnow the twins are over well rightnow there in Augusta with my mother at a quilt show. But the point is they were here and they will be later. Later we are (as in our family) supposed to be going to the Kristufek's for firework's. I still think thier kind of weird but whatever.

So I wanted to apologize for my last entry. I realized after I wrote it I had gone a little too far. I'm sure you didn't want to hear about my freaken love life. Sadly to report I will probably be sharing more aka whining. Anyways I'm tired and I feel extremly nauses so I'm going to take a nap.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My new laptop

Hi, Hows everybody doing today? Well the two people who read my blog anyway. so finally I'm typing on my new computer,yes a laptop. That's how you spell laptop right? Because if it isn't please correct me. If you have read my couple of last entry's you've probably noticed that my grammar isn't perfect. I guess what I'm trying to say is I suck at editing things but I think I'm a pretty dang good writer. Back to my new laptop it comes a equipped with a webcam that'
s pretty awesome. Also I got sims 3 because let's face it that game rocks. So life with a new laptop is a pretty good life.

Well as much as I hate when people publicize thier love lives. example A. E Taylor Swift a.k.a Joe Jonas break-up suck it up Taylor it happens btw still love your songs. I guess I really shouldn't be talking seeing how I got dumped over the phone and was pretty bitter over it. Anyway the big risk I was going to take was telling Nekoda hubbard how I felt. That's right he's the guy I've liked for a while he's mick. He was the guy at the football game who acted offensive when I claimed he wasn't my boyfriend. He was the guy who asked me but I said no because I was scared. So sunday I was going to tell him how I felt but somehow someway I couldn't go through with it. Could it be because he was avoiding me like fire does? Or is it because he's always around his guy friend? Or is it because I'm simply scared? I'd go with all three. In the morning everytime he'd walk by me I'd say something like ooo look at those pretty flowers, Kayla are those new glasses?, Or you can't forget the classic That was a funny joke Jessie. Both Jessie and Kayla were rolling their eyes at me. What can I say I'm just a coward. I could have told him at Youth Group but for some reason the words couldn't come out. I was on the same team for the game but everytime he stood next to me all I could do was stay silent. I think one time he did try to talk to me he said little and simple. All I said was " I'm sure you'll have fun." Wow really Lindsey. I know he doesn't like me back but atleast by telling him I would feel better. And if I keep staying in this little tight bubble I'm going to go INSANE. I swear I can tell everybody else besides him heres all the people that know Kevin, both my sisters, Rachel,Kayla, Abbie, Jessie, Chris Spang, and Braxton. Maybe he'll read this and then hey he'll know. Right just someone choke me now. Anyway I better simmer down because I break the computer.
