Sunday, December 27, 2009
Grandma's Engagment ring....
Although I Don't know very much about my first Grandpa. I know one thing. He and my Grandfather we're deeply in love. I know from the way she talks about him. The way her eyes light up and her voice cracks alittle. I know from the way my dad talks about them as parents. I know from the way the both talk about his death. Like it happened too fast.
Before Christmas Kayleen told me Grandma Kay wanted me to have her engagment ring that Aaron gave to her. The feeling I had was excitement, now I would finally have a connection to my Grandfather in heaven. Yesterday I went to her and she gave it to me. It's beatiful! One simple yet elegant diamond and a small wedding band. I have to wear it around my neck because her fingers were so small. I don't mind, I don't really like wearing rings on my fingers anyway. Eversince I've been wearing the rings around my neck life seems brighter. I just seem happier than I normally am. Every bitter thought I've ever had about love has now disapeared. It even gives me hope for my own future someday. I no longer feel single any longer, when I have the rings around my neck I have feel my Grandpa's and Grandma's love living inside of me.
Today I actually looked myself in the mirror smiled ten thousand times and told myself I was pretty. It was amazing.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Better than expected
I thought What is wrong with you? You cold unspirited creature! It wasn't untill it was Christmas Eve's day... I went shopping with my father, helping him pick out all the holiday foods and getting frustrated with his bossing posture. When we arrived home with extra family my sister Kayleen told us that Christmas Eve Service was cancelled. Disapointment arose again for it didn't really feel like Christmas Eve without that special Service. I htought my mood would go down, that I would be depressed the rest of the night. I turned out to be wrong again, for the dinner my dad made was delicious and my parents friends actually didn't bug for once. The next morning when my neice Teagan woke us up at 7:00 which is;if you think about it really early. I did feel the christmas spirit. Madeline opened up my present and was really grateful for my present/ a barbie. I knew then god was looking down on all of us.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!
Tomorrow we will pick up my sister-in-law and her adorable kids. We will go shopping for the big Christmas dinner. We will go to the Christmas Eve Service and pretend to be undivided bliss, even if inside we are secretly screaming. We will open our one present, watch the Polar Express and then go to bed. Only to wake up tomorrow to open more presents to feel that one happy moment. When we're expecting so much more.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Behind in dream journaling
It's a known fact that everybody has like atleast a thousand dreams at night. Most people don't remember them of course. Well you see, I try to make it so I can remember my dreams. See I'm kinda obsessed. Infact I have a journal that I record all my dreams in. Actually I've had two and a half. I'm in the half one rightnow. It sucks though because the journal I'm writing in is not very good for writing in if you know what I mean. But anyway so like last week I had this dream about Ruth Hurd going to prom with me and that her mom was some beached mammoth, yea not gonna lie, it was beyond weird.
But eversince I've been neglecting to write it down. I don't know if its cause I've been really tired or because I just don't want to hand write. Oh well! I guess I will just have to write it down rightnow.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The first snow fall..
Now there are some obvious reasons why would be estatic that practice was cancelled. Could be that I wouldn't have to have that certain person avoid me for the fourth hundred time ( I will not be typing their name down even though I have before). Two I can watch Glee live. Or if my parents are going out to eat I can go with them. I'm pretty sure those are some really good reasons not to go to practice tonight. Anyway I just wanted to say how thankful I am that god created snow...
Monday, December 7, 2009
Where will I be in the future?
So, no I don't exacty have a plan.Rightnow I'm just leaving it up to god. But apparently doing that that isn't exactly doing the right thing. I just know god wants me to stick around here, I don't why but I'm going to listen to him. Truthfully I don't know what the future holds, I'm just sick of people judging me for not knowing what I want rightnow.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
To trust or not to trust people?
But I won't be talking about that in this blog entry. Today I wanted to talk about trust and why it is so hard to come by. First, of all there's all this crap with Tiger Woods. Ever since I was like ten I always thought Tiger was a pretty decent guy, so yea he's not exactly a christian but I was always told just because someone is not a christian does not make them a bad person. Plus I always thought he was the hottest gulf player/whatever ever. Recently as many of you know he's had an affair with his wife. I heard they are going to try to work things out. This past summer my friend,let's just say was treated "badly" by her boyfriend,anyway long story short she ended up dumping him. From what I heard he was a jerk so she had every right to do that. But Tiger still seems like a good guy to me. I mean he apologized to his fans and the fact that he's still trying to work things out seems geniune to me. I just think its weird that I don't think Tiger is a horrible person. Then it occured it me, its probably because I have some sort of trust issues.
It's true Lindsey Mickelson has trust issues. No not the kind where you don't tell close people stuff that maybe you should. Its the kind where no matter who the person is you tell them everything even if at some point they tell the whole world. Yeah and it's happened to me before. So still liking Tiger is just step one. I don't really know if it's right or wrong? The trusting not the cheating. I don't know,my dad seems to think he's still a good guy too. But yeah just thought I would share my feelings with everyone who reads this thing.
umm anyway I hope I update some more. I figure all I need is nerve.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
So I wanted to apologize for my last entry. I realized after I wrote it I had gone a little too far. I'm sure you didn't want to hear about my freaken love life. Sadly to report I will probably be sharing more aka whining. Anyways I'm tired and I feel extremly nauses so I'm going to take a nap.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
My new laptop
s pretty awesome. Also I got sims 3 because let's face it that game rocks. So life with a new laptop is a pretty good life.
Well as much as I hate when people publicize thier love lives. example A. E Taylor Swift a.k.a Joe Jonas break-up suck it up Taylor it happens btw still love your songs. I guess I really shouldn't be talking seeing how I got dumped over the phone and was pretty bitter over it. Anyway the big risk I was going to take was telling Nekoda hubbard how I felt. That's right he's the guy I've liked for a while he's mick. He was the guy at the football game who acted offensive when I claimed he wasn't my boyfriend. He was the guy who asked me but I said no because I was scared. So sunday I was going to tell him how I felt but somehow someway I couldn't go through with it. Could it be because he was avoiding me like fire does? Or is it because he's always around his guy friend? Or is it because I'm simply scared? I'd go with all three. In the morning everytime he'd walk by me I'd say something like ooo look at those pretty flowers, Kayla are those new glasses?, Or you can't forget the classic That was a funny joke Jessie. Both Jessie and Kayla were rolling their eyes at me. What can I say I'm just a coward. I could have told him at Youth Group but for some reason the words couldn't come out. I was on the same team for the game but everytime he stood next to me all I could do was stay silent. I think one time he did try to talk to me he said little and simple. All I said was " I'm sure you'll have fun." Wow really Lindsey. I know he doesn't like me back but atleast by telling him I would feel better. And if I keep staying in this little tight bubble I'm going to go INSANE. I swear I can tell everybody else besides him heres all the people that know Kevin, both my sisters, Rachel,Kayla, Abbie, Jessie, Chris Spang, and Braxton. Maybe he'll read this and then hey he'll know. Right just someone choke me now. Anyway I better simmer down because I break the computer.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Woah thats not me!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Grad Day!
Annoyed at the moment. Because I'm using my sister's laptob and the mouse clicks really oddly and the whole network is slow. Basically her whole laptop sucks but shhh don't say anything I'm just an accessory. The sad thing my sister you know Green so she won't buy a new one for a long time. So yes today was day. The day where we got our diplomas and said bye bye icky school. Cliche I know but so true. Today had gone better than I expected I thought it would be hectic with my grad party. But my grad party had gone shorter than expected it only went untill six so I quickly opened my presents the best one I got was the new coldplay cd I requested it, yea still have yet to listen to it.
So he 'Mick' came to my party. I talked to him alittle not much but a little he was a little reluctant because I had aproach him. I don't know where things are going to go I know god will handle it though he can handle anything. This morning I really had a scare Mick wasen't at the ceromony so I started to freak out the way I do. Earlier this week I highly considered telling him how I felt but Mr. Vandong made(forced) me not to. This morning when I saw he wasen't at the ceromony I thought I had to tell how I felt. Sometimes when someone isn't there you feel the need to tell embarresing stuff happens with me alot. But he came to my party then I couldn't tell him how I felt. He was being all awkward and I felt like I couldn't breathe...