Friday, February 20, 2009

Burger blast 2009!

I'm really tired So I probably won't write very much. Went to the Burger blast tonight. Let me explain we have this thing called the Burger blast at our church where we cook and serve a meal of burgers and french fries to make money for various fundraisers. After school I just wanted to go to my room get rough with my new punching bag and go to sleep not go to some church fundraising event. I didn't think I would have a very good time plus I didn't want to be around no friendship guy who pretends I don't exist. turns out I went had a 'blast' and no friendship guy went MIA so I didn't have to worry bout that.

The kitchen was hectic but very fun.I kinda felt like superwomen getting all these beverages and putting them on servers trays. I told Jessie about my disturbing dream She laughed kind of and said it wasn't uncommon. I will not be telling you this one even though I would like to just to see your reaction It would be inappropriate so no.Its one of those dreams where you wake up and your like "woah how did that happen?"

Anyway its late and I want sleep so bye for now..

1 comment:

~Alisa Marie~ said...

heya lindz..i finally found my freakin password...will prolly write in it everyday now...