Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Errr... memory..

So I'm back, it took me a while because I couldn't remember my stupid password. So I ended up having to reset which took forever.Since november my life has changed alittle bit first of all I've learned to stop ragging on my self all the time. God put you on this earth for a reason and if he hated us all he would've of died on that cross. One of my close friends ended up turning from God herself but soemhow it has made my faith stronger. I've stopped obsessing and being imature about guys. I still beleive someday i'll find the right person but only when i'm ready.

My sisters have returned home From Bolivia,safe and sound. Oh and I still love my creative writing story. I'm working on one rightnow i'm so excited about it. Its gonna be drama/romance. Its about a school fire.


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