Saturday, July 30, 2011

More Drama and Goodbye!

Life isn't always easy, no one ever claimed it would be. It is promised to have hardships,death, and pain. I know I've had plenty of blessings in my life and lots I should be thankful for. But somehow I always find room to complain.Somehow I've feel like I've needed some kind of male boy thing, in my existence, although my father is great male leader. Somehow that's not enough. I think its this fantasy when I had when I was little. Meet prince charming fall in love find meaning in life. This summer I had a boyfriend, well I wouldn't really consider him a boyfriend. I don't really consider a month or less a real relationship but he gave me my first kiss. Yes that's right now my innocence is completely shaken well for the most part. He lost feeling for me like every guy does, so I ended things over text, yeah being me I overreacted. I chased after him, being clingy,stupid yes but I really liked the guy. And the other night I said somethings to a friend how I wanted him to die and what not. No I didn't mean it, it was a mix of anger and being hormonal. she said it was harsh, which it was but I had just found out he liked someone else. I say things when I'm hurt. No I'm not making excuses just stating the facts.

I also as REM, would say lost my religion. It's a long complicated story that I don't have time to type on my last blog. This is my last blog because, with college, and various other activites. I don't think I'll time for this. Plus I haven't written in this very much anyway. So anyway goodbye. Thanks to Kayleen Mickelson for commenting, you ROCK!


Kayleen said...

So glad that now I can comment in person. :)

Kevin said...

Bummer. Sorry to hear about your boy troubles, but more sorry to hear you're quitting on blogging. I was just promising myself I would write more.