Friday, January 23, 2009

Interpersonal Communications

Long name I know. I had just finished finals and I was siked to start my new classes. There was one on my schedule called Interpersonal communication. when Ms. Volbrect first told me I would be taking the class my senior year the first thought that came to mind is that we would learn how to communicate with deaf people or with the blind. Or we would be able to talk work situations or something. Today I walked into the class there were two people not including the teacher Mr. Vandong. The kids were Matt and Jeff. Matt was dating a freshman from our school who's reputation wasn't exactly good. She had gone out with someone who was now in jail for statutory rape. Matt was badmouthing him when I got into the room. Jeff the other boy who was a punk/player call him what you will. When Mr. Vandong handed out the syllabus I was surprised  when I read our main premise of the semester would be learning about relationships mostly romantic type relationships.

Our teacher began to ask who was in a relationship Matt only raised his hand. I of course am still single and Jeff had been with this other girl that went to our school but I believe since his hand stayed down on the desk. Mr. Vandong made some jokes about Matt and his relationship with Brittany something about the lobotomy. It was pretty funny. Yeah not what I expected for the name was the class but it could be interesting. It had the phrase Sexual intimacy on the sheet so wonder what that will be about? I've really only been intimate with one person and that was only holding hands. Ok besides dancing because that doesn't count you could dance with your sister and it would fine. Well one person did try to kiss me once but I wouldn't let them because I wasn't ready. So no I haven't had my first kiss yet, I just want it to be special I want it be the right moment with the right person. Is that so wrong?


1 comment:

Kevin said...

Definitely wait on the first kiss thing. It may seem silly to some people, but I think it makes it that much more special when it actually does happen.