Friday, January 16, 2009

what my big mouth does...

Happy second cold day everyone. I hope the first one was a hit. Did the us. went shopping with my sister out to eat you know. So you're probably wondering why I called this blog "What my big mouth does..."? Well its simple really as the two on here know me as can't keep a secret share everything Lindsey. So yesterday something bittersweet happened. When I say bittersweet I don't mean something horrid or so awesome, it just kinda went both ways. 

There's this guy at my school his name is Ryan Lehman well lets just say he's not really christian. Last year me and my friend Alisa cornered him about going to church. Once I heard him and a girl debate why Jesus was at fault for being crucified on the cross. My walk with christ has changed alot lately I've learned not to live with the temporary things but to look ahead with god, this happened after going to districts a youth conference. Its a really long story basically I decided to quit reading Misery by Stephen King because I didn't think it was a good book to start my walk with. The problem was Ryan recommended the book to me so thats kinda a slap in the face to him. Yesterday I told him on facebook why I quit, I told him it would make me depressed and god would not want me to be like that. Well he didn't exactly understand and said some uneasy things. Well me being... me blew up in his face. I called him judgmental and told him to get over it. I also said something that at times I felt god was all I had.

After that I felt horrible blame it on PMS if you will but that was no excuse for yelling at someone. I called Kayleen for advice she told me to apologize.  I had planned to write him a message  saying I shouldn't have blown up like that and I was sorry. When I got home that night I found he had written on wall apologizing himself. I still wrote him a message saying I shouldn't have done that and all that. To my surprise again in my inbox I found a message I had a right to defend what I believe in. I believe this is God's doing because yesterday after the big blow up I came to him and asked him for advice also. I guess he decided to help me out instead and for that I fully owe my life to him. I always did owe to him but now it is makes it more right. So Ryan isn't a christian I still think it is cool that he understood that I love God.

in Christ's love

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

Lindsey! Such a cool story! God works in amazing ways.