Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breakthrough or breakout?

Today in Interper. Comm. things got a little too personal for me. I guess sometimes the skeletons come of the closet well that was today for me. Not everything came but some pretty serious stuff was found out about me. I want to keep this entry hush hush but I just had to write some of it down because I was thinking about it all day. I said this blog would be about my personal life but I meant love life not stuff I've dealt with in the past. So I'm keeping quiet about what what Jeff,Matt, and Mr. Vandong found out about me today. I'm also keeping quiet about the disturbing dream I had last night the bad thing was it was partly about reality. It wasn't the worst I've had but still it was hard for me. 

I don't know how the whole thing came out Mr. Vandong just started asking me questions and I couldn't just sit there and lie. After that not much happened I yelled at my friend for being stupid because she was. Mike tried to make me feel better about gym "oh I should of picked you" well its a little too late for that. I'm just so sick of being the last person picked for once I'd like to be someone's first pick. I may suck but who cares its just a stupid game. What ever happened to taking joy in painful times. I guess I'm not in pain I'm just overly annoyed.

Signing out 

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