Sunday, February 8, 2009

I saw a face ( Him )

 Ok go with me here I wanted to write about seeing someone I used to like without saying any names. It sounded stupid when I said over again in my head in blog form. So I thought why not make into a little story. It would only be one blog entry long unless you really liked it. It really happened no lie. Just thought this would be fun.

Heather drove Rachel and I into Eau Claire. The streets seemed narrowed, I gazed out the window glancing at people out in the harsh weather.I began to note in my head the different cars blues ones. white ones, all different sorts. We get so close to the Eau claire campuses. We get to the beginning of the interstate when I see the outside of the car and I face I recognize my eyes widen as I take in his face. I talked to him a little over the summer maybe told him a little too much. Pushed him away I tended to do that to people. We passed the car he hardly noticed i was in the silver car. I smiled because as we passed the car I felt nothing my heart had been hardened. 

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