Sunday, September 28, 2008

The perfect blog

Ok so no one I know,knows how to keep a blog. That means you Alisa,Kevin, and Kayleen,you guys need to learn. Alisa your the one who updates the most and I understand your computer is slow so I'll give you a break but as for you Kayleen and Kevin. Do I have to spell it out for you W-R-I-T-E M-O-R-E! I write like almost everyday and I'm not even good at it so thats gotta be saying something. Kayleen I get it your blog is about Bolivia but don't leave us hanging tell us some more interesting facts about the country write some creative make believe stories.Kevin your a grown man you must have a lap top if you don't, you have a job get one.

My perfect definition of a blog,it is updated almost everyday. Perfect grammer and includes details about personal and public stuff. If thats not a blog someone tell me what is?

Now Kevin will not see this blog because he doesn't know I have one and Kayleen won't care. But hey I had fun being mean and that is all that matters. So about my life lately I went to my sister's race yesterday. The day before that I had another sad dream it wasn't about Ian though, yes Kayleen will know what I'm talking about. I debated Texting Michael and telling him the truth but I don't know if he would be mad or not. I've tried to forget about it but I have trouble letting things go and it really hurts. If I told him atleast it would take a few blocks of my shoulder's or it could makes things worse. Oh I don't know Kayleen your the smart one tell what to do! and don't give me " its your decision if you want to tell him or not" I hear that from everyone. I want to hear the practical choice whats the most senisable thing to do? Oh yeah Necoda was at church today he avoided again. So I skipped out on sunday school to make things less tense. Maybe he won't be at youth group tonight we'll see how things go....

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