Monday, September 15, 2008

Volleyball er....

Things aren't getting much better. Today in my gym We played volleyball Yes I would vomit too. On my team Cesar(Kyle Mayer), Eliza Smith ( I don't think she likes me anymore) Charlie, and some freashmen Don't know his name. Yeah not very happy with eliza got alot of animosity from her and I was trying my best. So there was one time I could of hit the ball and I didn't what're going to do kill me? Yeah the rest of the game she like yelling my name " Lindsey"when the ball came towards me and once I did hit to charlie who unfortunately didn't hit it over the net. But seriously I hit it like three times, although not successful hits I did try isn't that all that matters.

Come on I'm just sick of feeling bad. Then of course there was the chick on the other team blonde chick btw who was making fun of me. I think? I'm pretty sure I heard her lip " she's just standing there" Ok if she did say that kind of rude and I was not just standing there I spiked the ball numerous times atleast getting it over the net once. And I also hit the ball in the air three times and thats alot of times. And what does she know she's just blonde and everybody knows brunettes are the real women. Sorry if I offended any blondes out there I'm trying to work on being more confident about myself.

Went to practice tonight and figured out I don't like Jordan not like that anyway. We didn't dance the waltz so he didn't get uneasy with me. But there is this guy there that I think I'm starting to like although I'm sure he wants nothing to do with me. Or my conclusion I'm using him as a rebound guy to get over anonymous D/ and mabye even Ryan.I feel like I'm still holding on to him. Sometimes you can't just get over people cold turkey you need a distraction thats what I need Ian for besides its not like anything will happen. don't worry I'll like him from afar.


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