Monday, September 22, 2008

Public or Private?

To be public or private that is the question?Okay that is my best try at Shakespere so just ignore that. I'm talking about this blog thing, you see Kevin Sieg got a blog. Kevin is this guy that goes to my church. Well he got a blog and lately I've been thinking about my making my blog public. Because then I would get more comments and More people would view it. Then I would tell Kevin I had a blog and he would read it most likely comment. But then I thought of the negitives. I like posting personal things on here If Kevin got here He would possibly figure who the love hurts guy was or he might know who Ian is. So I decided I will have a private blog for now even if I am writing to myself its still fun.

I just hope Kevin dosen't find Kayleen's blog. Because he will find out where my blog is not good. So practice last night interesting it was hard. Instead of Jordan being my dance partner Ian is. I'm not happy about that because he dosen't want to by my partner because oh I don't know he dosern't like me. Actually I have a another theoroy for him but I am not ready to share that outloud. And I know its sickening but apart of me still wanted him to be.I just wish he wanted the same thing.

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