Thursday, April 23, 2009

Northwestern- College visit

Today was the my mother and I went to Northwestern college in the cities. I had a meeting with Jessica williamson about my application and financial aid, then talked to David about my "disability". Both started out to seem easy then ended with least to say complicated. Both Jessica and David seemed like generally nice people, but I still didn't like the fact that dyslexia is linked with blind for Northwestern. Being blind is a serious condition dyslexia on the other hand less serious. But sometimes I wonder if I see myself differently from how other people see me. Sometimes I wonder if I look like a lost puppy trying to find her way home and everyone has to be nice to her. I want to be normal thats all I have wanted to be my whole life but sometimes I wonder if I am. Don't get me wrong I like being borderline crazy but is it too much?

Another thing that makes me wonder my mother was talking to this David guy explaining that in second grade I was mainstreamed. But I apparently I begged to go back into the special classes. Somehow I have no recollection of this! I mean I would think crying to my parents about needing help would be a pretty traumatic event in my life I WOULD REMEMBER. Then why don't I? It makes me feel like there is something more to this dyslexia. What do you think? I'm overacting right? So I guess I'll know next week if I'm excepted or not.. you'll hear from me then.


1 comment:

Kevin said...

my sister has dyslexia...and I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with being blind. Also, maybe the event was sooo traumatic that you blocked it?