Thursday, December 10, 2009

Behind in dream journaling

I've realized I've updated alot since the last time I've been gone, so that's good. I plan to write alot more since Christmas is coming up and there will lots of exciting events to write about. Like for instance The old fashioned Christmas program that I will be singing in and of course our churches Christmas program which I also got roped into.

It's a known fact that everybody has like atleast a thousand dreams at night. Most people don't remember them of course. Well you see, I try to make it so I can remember my dreams. See I'm kinda obsessed. Infact I have a journal that I record all my dreams in. Actually I've had two and a half. I'm in the half one rightnow. It sucks though because the journal I'm writing in is not very good for writing in if you know what I mean. But anyway so like last week I had this dream about Ruth Hurd going to prom with me and that her mom was some beached mammoth, yea not gonna lie, it was beyond weird.

But eversince I've been neglecting to write it down. I don't know if its cause I've been really tired or because I just don't want to hand write. Oh well! I guess I will just have to write it down rightnow.

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

lol.... sounds like kind of a funny dream. =) I only remember my dreams when I sleep in past my regular time.
But I've never heard of someone recording every dream they have. It's kind of cool
...hey, maybe someday some of them will come true. ;)