Saturday, December 5, 2009

To trust or not to trust people?

Hi, so I'm back from the newly discovered dead and I promise I will write more frequently. Especially since my life is just ever so exciting ( not really ). I don't know why I didn't write for all these months. I was kinda busy, I was in a play and am now currently in one. But I think the main reason why I didn't write was because I didn't really know what to say.Lets just leave it with some stuff that happened over the summer, since I last wrote. I didn't really want to publicize what had happened quite yet, well actually I tried a few times but gave up. Rightnow I'm still figuring out how I want to deal with the certain situation.

But I won't be talking about that in this blog entry. Today I wanted to talk about trust and why it is so hard to come by. First, of all there's all this crap with Tiger Woods. Ever since I was like ten I always thought Tiger was a pretty decent guy, so yea he's not exactly a christian but I was always told just because someone is not a christian does not make them a bad person. Plus I always thought he was the hottest gulf player/whatever ever. Recently as many of you know he's had an affair with his wife. I heard they are going to try to work things out. This past summer my friend,let's just say was treated "badly" by her boyfriend,anyway long story short she ended up dumping him. From what I heard he was a jerk so she had every right to do that. But Tiger still seems like a good guy to me. I mean he apologized to his fans and the fact that he's still trying to work things out seems geniune to me. I just think its weird that I don't think Tiger is a horrible person. Then it occured it me, its probably because I have some sort of trust issues.

It's true Lindsey Mickelson has trust issues. No not the kind where you don't tell close people stuff that maybe you should. Its the kind where no matter who the person is you tell them everything even if at some point they tell the whole world. Yeah and it's happened to me before. So still liking Tiger is just step one. I don't really know if it's right or wrong? The trusting not the cheating. I don't know,my dad seems to think he's still a good guy too. But yeah just thought I would share my feelings with everyone who reads this thing.

umm anyway I hope I update some more. I figure all I need is nerve.

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