Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!

Yup. Thats right folks! Tomorrow is the big day. Since I was like five Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. It's probably been because I got to open a million gazillion presents I will admit my motives have always been completely selfish. I know that material products aren't suposed to make us (human beings) happy,but at the moment, after the ripping of the paper was done, I seemed pretty happy at the moment. It was only months later when I would realize that maybe it wasn't the presents that Christmas was ever about.

Tomorrow we will pick up my sister-in-law and her adorable kids. We will go shopping for the big Christmas dinner. We will go to the Christmas Eve Service and pretend to be undivided bliss, even if inside we are secretly screaming. We will open our one present, watch the Polar Express and then go to bed. Only to wake up tomorrow to open more presents to feel that one happy moment. When we're expecting so much more.


Kayleen said...

good writing dear sis!

Kevin said...

I agree with Kayleen.

Also, they postponed the Christmas Eve service. Merry Christmas anyway!

lonelygirl18 said...

Thank-you Kk and Kevin I try. And thank-you Kevin for telling us that...on blogspot.