Thursday, September 25, 2008

Good dream

It was my first dream about Ian.That means I am starting to develop feelings for him, it can be a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because it will be make me happier and I'll focus less on things I should be off. Bad thing it could make me more depressed about guys then I already am. My dream consisted of me waking up looking like crap and going outside seeing his car and him dressed in a tux waiting for me. I apologized for forgetting about our date and went back inside to get ready. I came out in a red poofy dress and I started to talk to him. I see this dream as a good one because I was being brave and kissed him on the cheek. He looked happy about it and I went back inside to get something. As happy as this dream made me I know I have to face harsh reality He was flirting and touching Pennie tuesday night like I said I'm not outgoing. All he said to me was "sorry" and for bumping into me.

Today was me being crabby to my entire family including my sister who just came home from a foreign infested country. Do I feel bad about it? Not really I know everyone had thier moments today was not one of mine. I think its the fact that I'm an adult who doesn't have thier lincense and I'm alone and have never been in a serious relationship. Oh well life goes on.


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