Saturday, September 13, 2008


So yes its finally a day where I don't have to be at school. But today seems very unproductive, I just feel like I should be going to a movie or getting ready for homecoming or something. Today just feels very dull and bla... I want to get out there, save the earth.I know homecoming isn't untill this coming friday but it makes me nervous just thinking about it. I have so many unansweared questions like.... Who am I going with? Do I have a date?(probly not) Where are we going out to eat? Am I going to do anything after homecoming?

After all its a good thing homecoming is not rightnow.My questions above make me sound like a person with OCD. Well I can't think of what else to write I'm going to my friend's sister's house today. Hopefully I will find out if she has a date or not. If we don't find out, it will kill me. My sister has been sick so we probly won't stay very long then its going out to with my parents friends. I'm only looking forward to the going out to eat part not the parents friend's part there weird really weird but then again who isn't weird to me. So anyway wish me good luck for tonight.

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