Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Volleyball again!

I swear I will eventuatally kill everyone that goes to my school. Okay Don't take that seriously its just my anger talking. We played volleyball in gym again! Everything would have been fine If stupid Jamie Heland would'ntve have opened her mouth. So I stood infront instead of behind when I served. I can actaully hit it over the net,well she ruined that all with " Can we stand infront of the line?" "Well then how come she can?". So if my personality dosen't scream crazy person lets add this to it and make me think more negitive thoughts. No one on my team defended me they just all stood there and continued the game. Then Alissa Roberts who was my previous team who said it was okay that I stood infront of the line also just stood there on the other side. Oh and Eliza Smith I'm pretty sure she has it out for me because she was the one who told her it wasn't ok to stand infront of the line. What did I ever do to her? Be nice to her sure I didn't know that was grounds for a grudge? The only reason I hate everygirl in my grade is because after middle school they treat me as though I don't exist. I'm not saying I'm the most important thing in the world but atleast acknowlage I'm there. But I know I should just let it go so thats what I'm going to do.

Also Kyle Mayer sick of him too. Normally I would be fine with him but last Saturday but he said some stuff to me. Ok I was being selfish and stating my opinion when it was not needed but he totally bit my head off. Again I'm trying not to hold a grudge and let him off the hook. i'm actaully thinking of leaving a note in his locker saying that but not leaving my name.


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